I am both an author and a book lover. Right here you’ll find my books, ebooks, journals, guides and more. In addition, I will also recommend books written by experts and talented colleagues that I have found to be meaningful to me and, perhaps they will be for you as well.
Cracked Open
What allows certain people to become brave and move forward despite failures large and small? These losses can lay siege to not only our ego but also what we consider being our identities, our sense of hope and our potential to secure a better future. Bravery and a refusal to succumb can be yours when you embrace your discomfort, fear, and shame, and let them become your teachers. When you learn to tolerate what feels uncomfortable and overwhelming, you become the David to the Goliath of your Fears and Failures.
“Essentially, This Is a Book is About Awakening.”
“In her powerful, extraordinary book, Cracked Open: Reflections on the Transformative Power of Failure, Fear & Doubt, Leslie Malin plunges to the depth of this question: Where have our love, courage, health and creativity gone when fear, failure, depression and doubt accost us? How do we navigate our way through this eternal struggle between forces of darkness and light?”
Brenda Shoshanna, author of Zen and the Art of Falling in Love and The Anger Diet
A beautiful and inspirational format, perfect for daily meditation!
Reviews for “Cracked Open” Are Arriving…